Well, I've been sedated, had a tube stuck down my throat into my small intestine, had bits of my small intestine removed to be looked at, and spent the entire day on the couch. All I did was read, eat cold foods that didn't require chewing, and sleep. Man, I slept a lot.
I'm feeling great today. I've had a headache for a while, but it's less noticeable today than it was last night. My guess is that it's from the lack of caffeine I had yesterday - it was the first day in a very, very long time that I didn't consume ANY caffeine at all. CRAZINESS.
Right now I'm at Panera in La Vista, NE (part of Omaha) sitting in the back corner booth while my mom is having a small lunch meeting for work. Glad I brought my computer. :) I also brought Pride and Prejudice (♥) and the second book of the Hunger Games series, Catching Fire.
I started The Hunger Games on Christmas Day and finished it yesterday. We got it for my cousin Liam, but he was playing with his new basketball and I felt like taking a look at it. Katherine's addicted to the series, so I figured I should give it a try since I seem to like what she likes.
Well, I ended up not being able to put it down. I was craving it all evening, as well as the next day. So my mom agreed to buy me a copy to read while I was stuck on the couch all day yesterday. Thank goodness! We couldn't find Catching Fire anywhere, but then we stopped at WalMart today and got one. :) Once I finish them, we're going to send Catching Fire and Mockingjay (the third book) to my cousins Meghan and Caitlin for their birthday in February. Yay!
So, I guess that's all for now. You can hardly even see the mark from where they put the IV in my arm yesterday, and my throat doesn't even hurt anymore. It just feels a little more open than usual. Interesting.
Oh, we went to see "How Do You Know" on Sunday with Aunt Sara, Grandma, and Olivia (Liam's little sister). I wouldn't recommend it. It's cute enough at the end, but the story just kind of drags on. Mmmkay, bye!
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