Meet my blog

Rants and raves, poems and pictures, nostalgia and news.

In addition to my blog, I'm addicted to Twitter, weaning myself off of Facebook, and failing at keeping my Tumblr identity a secret. I post almost everything here. Writing is the only way I can deal with my life, so when I took a year-long break from blogging on here I became a wreck. Much thanks goes out to Patrick, who you can find at, for getting me started again. I don't think he knows how great a friend he is.

Speaking of friends, they're everything to me. They keep me sane, and I don't know what I'd do without them. I include their names pretty often, and if they have a site I link it. Check them out - they're pretty amazing.

I like comments. They make me feel popular. So leave one...or eight.

Much love, Ali G.