Wow, I hadn't realized that it's been a year since I last posted. Insanity.
So...basically, my entire life has changed since November 2009.
First: I broke up with Ryan. Yes, I did the breaking of the hearts. It was the beginning of January 2010. We hadn't talked between Thanksgiving and Christmas break - a good three weeks - and I just felt like I wasn't in a relationship anymore. I was pretty upset about it for a while, and of course I still miss him sometimes, but not nearly as much. He's a stupid boy who didn't try hard enough, and I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine. I've rediscovered myself since January. I'm back to being me, not the me I thought I should be for him. That means I've rediscovered God, I've rediscovered beauty in life, and I've rediscovered passion. I'm not sure I'll ever be done figuring out who I am or what I want, but now I'm okay with that.
Second: I've chased a few guys since then, but now I've given up on that. Why should I torture myself trying to get guys to be interested in me when they're not? Ridiculosity, I tell you. Yes. Ridiculosity. I'm working on me now (like everyone tells me to) and someone will come along. Just look at me in that picture - so much happier.
Third: I've learned that patience is key - not just in dating and stuff like that, but in all things in life. More on that later.
Fourth: I'm in freaking PHARMACY SCHOOL. No more undergrad for me! It feels so weird to be in professional school. I'm going to have a PharmD. (doctor of pharmacy) degree three and a half years from now. What?!?! But yeah, those are my parents with me in that picture. Love love love.
Fifth: School is hard. Huhhh? I've never said that before. But it is. It's hard to stay motivated to study when it's all you do all week long, every week in the semester. And it's hard to listen when your professor has the heaviest Indian accent you've ever heard and speaks in broken English. And it's hard to listen when you have Facebook, Twitter, and Bejeweled at your disposal because you have a new computer that the school gave you and you're on it in class all day long.
Sixth: I'm an RA! I love Kiewit Hall and all my fellow staff members and residents. It's a wonderful life...made a little more difficult than normal what with being in professional school and all. But thanks to Res Life, I've got some great people around me who are helping me to develop and grow - Patrick's forcing me to write so that I can find my voice again, Steph is sooo supportive and such a great friend, and I've found my friendships with Shannon, Katie, Tim, and Eric again. Woo hoo!
So basically, everything's different. I have rediscovered my blog (yay!), I have rediscovered myself, and I am in the process of rediscovering my voice. Much love.
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