So why did I cry so much? Well, I'm a chronic crier, as most of the people who know me are aware. I cry all the time. When I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm angry, when I'm stressed, when I'm overwhelmed, when I'm frustrated, when I'm remembering, when I'm anything. I cry a lot. But this movie made me cry mostly because it made me think of my grandma, who passed away on the second day of March 2008. She spent the last few months of her life in the hospital and nursing home, and although I got the chance to say goodbye to her, it was extremely tough on me. I was really close to her, and I talked to her on the phone at least once or twice a month. I miss hearing her voice...
Besides the old woman in the hospital part, the movie reminded me of my grandma because of the hummingbirds. One of the things I'll always remember about her was her beloved hummingbirds. She had a feeder hanging outside her front window filled with red sugar-water, and there were always hummingbirds there in the spring and summer. I miss my grandma...
My favorite line from the movie: "It's a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You realize what's changed is you." GREAT line. Love it. So true. I don't know what it's just different, home is. Like it's not really home. It's not my only home anymore. I have another one (and another family) at school. And I don't know...something about my actual home is just not the same. And I guess it's me.
I went to see this wonderfully sad movie with my wonderfully fantastic boyfriend. We've been dating since last May, and I love him with all my heart. We're a delightfully awkward couple: me a bit taller than him, him with hair a foot longer than mine, and general social awkwardness on both our parts. Plus, we're both major nerds. I like us. :) Sometimes we can be really different (I happen to be MUCH more social than he is, and we have some different views on things that may or may not be important in life), and it can get frustrating. But I will never stop loving him. Promise.
Okay, so I'm really tired and have to get up at 7 tomorrow to work for one last morning...ugh. I go back Tuesday, and we start second semester fun. Only half of my freshman year left.
Loves! Ali G.
HAHAHAHAHA. I hate that kid.