Thursday, September 17, 2009

Creative Cursing is an extremely entertaining piece of work.

Oh hey y'all! Guess what?!

I'm writing a speech about blogging! I'm in Communications 152 right now, and I have an informative speech to give next week. It's supposed to be about something we're interested in, and I just kind of randomly thought, "Hey, I like blogging. Maybe I should talk about that for six minutes."

So I am! Cool, huh? I'm going to talk about how it got started, what its benefits/positives are, and what its downfalls are. It should be an interesting experience. And if I do the speech without notes, I get ten extra points added on to my score. :)

You know, I feel like I never add pictures to my posts. I would now, but I don't have a picture that relates to my love of blogging...sorry...

Okay well I'm going to go work on my speech now! Later!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Downpour

Tiny rivers running down brick sidewalks
Leaving adolescence behind
Wet, wild water soaks her pants
A woman now, twenty years old
Friends are waiting for lunch
Contemplating how she got there
Hood soaked through
Scrunched hair today
Humidity would have curled it anyway
No showers of presents,
Just showers upon showers of water
Huge, heavy, heartening drops
Too old to dance in the rain?